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"  Do like thousands of Quebecers and

join me in proposing bold ideas to modernize the PLQ and Quebec.”

- Dominique Anglade, Leader of the Quebec Liberal Party


Since the day after the 2018 election, our Party teams and volunteers across Quebec have been working to renew and reorganize our political formation. Our MNAs, for their part, are working hard to come up with innovative ideas that will have a real impact on the lives of Quebecers. Today you have the opportunity to join us and make a difference for victory in 2022. 

Documents à lire en ligne ou à télécharger

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Code d'éthique et de déontologie

181 Ko

Politique en matière de prévention du harcèlement psychologique ou sexuel et de traitement des plaintes

262 Ko

Constitution du Parti libéral du Québec

500 Ko

Règlement général du Parti libéral du Québec

451 Ko

Les valeurs libérales et le Québec moderne - Édition révisée

1,1 Mo

Livre « 150 ans de petites et grandes révolutions »

660 Ko

The newsletter about the Party, its ideas, its initiatives and its events!




514 933-8796

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